Subject: RE: macro/pub on rare particles for the summer conferences
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Mon Jul 31 2000 - 12:20:44 EDT
Ciao Laura,
It is very interesting the limit on q-balls. It seems that
it heavily results from a paper of yours that was submitted
for publication recently (reference [21]). Given the fact
that this is the first MACRO document introducing a search
for q-balls, I would suggest that key-plots from your ref [21]
are including in the memo: more specifically, plots showing
the energy loss calculations (SECS&SENS), dependence on mass
and velocity. In sections #4 and #5 you make mention of the MM
search methods that you checked to be applicable to q-balls.
I guess you left ERP and TOHM out because of the insignificance
of their published limit respect to the rest of the MACRO MM
limits. Otherwise, I suspect that for SENS TOHM will be the
one to provide the best limit.
Finally, with respect to the flux limit plots (now there are
three of them: MM, nuclearites and q-balls) I would suggest
that individual analysis are coded in the same fashion among
them. This will allow the reader to find easier -say- which
MM search limit was applied for a given q-ball limit.
A presto,
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