some problems already fixed...

Subject: some problems already fixed...
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 06:06:51 EDT

      Ciao a tutti,

      Yiannis and I have fixed following problems today.

      - WFDs on SM1: stop signal is fine now after handling
        cables (something of flacky on a latching scaler module);

      - high ERP GC trigger rate on South face: O.K. after (re)loading

      - 5B11: side 0 is fine now (maybe PMTs need a night to become stable
        again). Side 1 has a big helium contamination. Yesterday we excluded
        this channel from TOHM for a very high trigger rate, but we can
        put back it today.

      - 6E07-1: big e.m. noise (5Vpp and 60Mhz) that caused an high TOHM
        trigger rate (~ 30mHz) disappeared after putting a plastic caps
        around the connector of the cable that goes from PMTs fan out
        to TOHM disc. input.

      - 5B03-1: it needs a tank end operation because it has one PMT

       A presto,


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