PMTs gain check..

Subject: PMTs gain check..
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 11:00:24 EDT

      Ciao a tutti,

    after Laser calibrations, according to "occhi di lince" Yiannis,
    I checked the gain of following PMTs:

            6C01-0 at 3.75 mV; 6C01-1 at 4.15 mV
            6C15-1 --> PMTs need to be checked separately (both "passerelle"
            broken today!!!!)
            6T06-0 at 4 mV; 6T06-1 at 4.4 mV
            6T07-0 one of two PMTs is flasher!!!;
            6T07-1 at 2.8 mV (undergain!!)

     A presto,


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