PMT HV bases

Subject: PMT HV bases
Date: Mon Oct 11 1999 - 05:48:41 EDT

   Ciao a tutti,

   I have modified 12 HV bases; they still need to be tested.
They measure anywhere from 9.8-10.0 MOhm and their capacitors
seem to be OK. I've left them on the repair bench.
   Using this opportunity, I calculated what should be the nominal
value for the HV-ground resistance of these HV bases: 9.71 Mohm.
Since there are 19 5% resistors in series, we expect an error of
no more than 0.5MOhm (9.23 - 10.2 Mohm), but with a most probable
value in the range 9.5-9.9 Mohm.

A presto,


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