Subject: daily shift-report
Date: Mon Oct 11 1999 - 11:50:08 EDT
This report is about 11-OCT-1999 data-shift and contains information
about RUNs 18402 - 18408.
Trigger Rates:
Since RUN 18376 (for more than 25 RUNs) all the vertical counters
of the west and east lower face for SMT on SM3 looks dead.
TOHM : (run18402)
4T02 20mHz,5T02 10mHz, 6T02 60mHZ!
Erp Gc:
Counters 1W01 - 1W04 Looks dead on Erp and Erp GC
1N02 100 mHz, 2W06 60 mHz, 3W1370 mHz
4W07 350 mHz, 6C04 250 mHz (old situation)
6S02 280 mHz, 6S03 620 mHz!!!
Run 18403 - 18406 Abnormal.
Run 18407 without uVAX 2 and Abnormal
Courrent RUN 18408 Started with full uVAX configuration
Ciao, Roberto.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Mon Oct 11 1999 - 11:50:24 EDT