Subject: Other ERP/PMT problem
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 11:24:14 EDT
Coincidentally Nicola reminded me of another W01 I've seen problems with
in the laser data.
2W01-0 (calmod 133) has an attenuated ADC that saturates about 1/4 of the
typical value for verticals (saturates at about ADC=130 instead of
>500). 2W05 has similar behavior. This problem is present at least since
May 6 1998 as I see it during run 91001. Since I haven't looked at
earlier data yet I can't say this is truly when it started.
Are these by any chance HAM tubes? Up to saturation the behavior of both
tubes is actually not bad, just different from all the others I have seen
in other lower laser calibrations. The saturation is so sharp that I
can't say with certainty whether these counters may be used for fast
monopole searches. The maximum energy reconstructable using standard
CALMOD constants appears to be about 100 MeV; using higher order
corrections we're not going to do better than 400 MeV.
Anyone know anthing about these tanks?
I'll give more details as I finalize my calibration procedure. I am
fairly certain that this is not a problem with the laser system or my
procedure as neighboring boxes and the end 1 signals are okay, and the
problem has persisted in several laser runs.
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