week-end shift

Subject: week-end shift
Date: Sun Oct 24 1999 - 10:38:32 EDT

     Ciao a tutti,

      this is a brief summary of my week-end shift.

     - Received L/R Pisa warnings for 3T12 (~0.2) during every runs but ERP
       says to me that 3T12 is fine (L/R = 1.155).

     - WFD warnings (NDATA grater than 10000):
        run 18463 --> SM2CH2(0-supp. off), SM2CH10(big muon pulse)
        run 18464 --> SM3CH33(big muon pulse)
        run 18465 --> SM4CH02(big muon pulse). We didn't receive any
                      e-mail for this run because the ED_MON job crashed
                      for "access violation"...I found this big NDATA
                      using LAMOSSKA DST file.
        run 18466 --> SM2CH3(0-supp. off)
        run 18468 --> SM2CH0(0-supp. off), SM4CH6(big muon pulse)
        run 18469 --> SM4CH2 two NDATA > 10000 (4B08-0 little light leak?)
        run 18472 --> SM2CH28(0-supp. off)

     - Re-submitted (mr_mon) jobs for following runs:
          18453, 18454, 18456 and 18457
       If in the future you need to resubmit one run per time, you can
       use resub_mr_mon.com (p4=1) or resub_mr_mon_nocheck.com (p4=0)

     - Trigger rates:
        there are not new hot/cold boxes.
        TOHM hot boxes --> 1T11(~8mHz), 2T16(~8mHz), 3T12(~30mHz!!),
                           4T02(~30mHz!!), 4T10(~15mHz), 5T02(~15mHz),
                           5T06(~9mHz), 6T02(~70mHz!!!!!!)

     - No longer 'fake' LED/CAL/HV.. SPU hits on SM1 starting from last
       MACRO shut down (electric-power interruption)...The "fulgenzite"
       performs miracles..!!!

     - Last STPM test:
        CB signal(12sec wide) --> 500usec --> XSTP --> Dt --> TOP-CIT
          Dt=900usec: TRGPAT 0010.0011.0100.0001 (XSTP and CIT bits set)
                       TRGTIM XST=0, CIT=9016
                       CIT Top fired at time 0

          Dt=1.2msec: TRGPAT 0010.0111.0100.0000 (only XSTP bit set)
                       TRGTIM XST=0, OTHERS=9984
                       CIT All zero
       After the test, the module stopped working properly: top face triggers
       continuosly without any input signal..I'm working in debugging it

     - Updated CALMOD work database for reference run 18420.

     If somebody reads macrousa e-mailes, please move them in the right
     folder!!! (I found a 'casino')

   A domani,


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