Subject: Weekend shift
Date: Sun Oct 31 1999 - 13:32:44 EST
Ciao a tutti,
Here are the highlights from my weekend shift:
(1) Sat. 8:20am - found gas system off and restarted it with Mario Sitta.
(2) Sat. 10:20am - Sync lost on Br:5, Cr:4. Stopped run 18505, unplugged
and replugged LEMO sync. cables for that crate, pressed SYNC button
for PHRASE and restarted.
(3) Sat. 12:15pm - Run 18506 crashed due to "Target Buffer Busy". Run
restarted immediately.
(4) Sat. - Run 18507 produced Bari-trig problems on SM1. Mario
restarted LSCM.
(5) Sun. 12:08pm - Run 18511 crashed due to "Network Abnormal Condition -
bad attribute list". Mario started a new run (18512) 30min later, with
only PHRASE (got error messages when linking with uVAX#1,2,3).
Message on uVAX#1 console about "unrecoverable memory error".
Gas system turned OFF (probable power glitch).
After rebooting all 3 uVAXs and 10 min. mini-ACQ, stopped 18512 and
started 18513 with full MACRO.
(5) Problem with LAMOSSMA (both LAM10 & LAM11) not providing early stop
to SM1 WFDs
LAM50 gives ~4 unjustified triggers/run
(6) Noticed that Fake hits + Bfound for SM1-West TOHM = Timeword found
for SM1-Center. Suspecting error in wiring for SM1 STPM !!!
(7) 5B03-1 seems to have a light leak; gave two events with WFDs > 5000 Ndata
(TOHM-only events)
Trigger rates (runs checked: 18502-18512) :
ERP-GC: 4W07 (S-HOT) , 5W10 (105mHz), 6C04 (200mHz),
6S02 (200mHz), 6S03 (S-HOT)
ERP-MU: 3B07, 3B10, 3B12, 6B11, 6S02, 6S03 (high)
LIP : 1B14,1B16,6C09 = low; 2E10,3E04 = high
PHRASE: 1E08 (100cph), 1N03 (6cph), 2W12 (90cph), 6E02 (3cph), 6E09 (110cph)
cph = counts/hour
1BAR has lower (as low as 1/4 the rate of 3BAR an 5BAR) for some runs
SMT : 3T12 (30mHz), 4T02 (25mHz), 4T10 (10mHz), 5T02 (15mHz),
5T06 (10mHz), 6T02 (70mHz), 6T11 (10mHz)
3E04 - no triggers (has activity), 3T06 - dead (disconnected ?)
5B11,5W08,5W09,5W14,5T17 - dead (disconnected)
1B15 : 1 hit in 10 runs
1W03 : 2 hits in 10 runs
1N04 : 1 hit in 10 runs
1N06 : 2 hits in 10 runs
2E11 : 2 hits in 10 runs
3W10 : 2 hits in 10 runs
3E10 : 1 hit in 10 runs
4E14 : 2 hits in 10 runs
5E11 : 2 hits in 10 runs
5E12 : 1 hit in 10 runs
5E13 : 2 hits in 10 runs
6E08 : 1 hit in 10 runs
6E09 : 2 hits in 10 runs
6E11 : 2 hits in 10 runs
6E13 : 2 hits in 10 runs
HIPT : Low HIPT rate on SM4 West-Attico patch. In general, all Attico
verticals (HAM tubes) have HIPT rate of ~1mHz.
3E04 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18502)
2E05 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18503)
2E06 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18505,18506)
6C16 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18508)
6T07 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18504)
6T09 has low SPAM efficiency w.r.t. ERP (run 18507)
SPU : no fake hits on uVAX#1
FMT : seems OK
LaMOSSKa: Run 18502, event 6983, SM1 had lamosska trigger with NO EARLY STOP
Run 18503, event 438 is (unjustified) LAM60 and
event 439 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18505, event 8755 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18506, event 2215 is (justified) LAM10, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18507, event 11269 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18508, event 291 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18508, event 9499 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18509, event 8932 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18510, event 3104 is (justified) LAM10 & LAM11, again
Run 18510, event 3331 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
Run 18510, event 11707 is (justified) LAM11, again NO EARLY STOP
SM5 (LAM50) seems to be giving a lot (~4/run) unjustified triggers
LAM20 seems to be working OK (run 18503, ev. 10174, multi-muon)
LAM21 seems to be working OK (run 18509, ev. 11009, double showering
LAM31 seems to be working OK (run 18508, ev. 8926, corner-clipper)
LAM40 & LAM41 seem to be working OK (run 18508, ev. 4598.
showering muon triggered both sides)
LAM50 seems to be working OK (run 18505, ev. 2049, showering muon)
LAM51 seems to be working OK (run 18504, ev. 3132, showering muon)
LAM60 seems to be working OK (run 18505, ev. 9935, showering double
LAM61 seems to be working OK (run 18505, ev. 3542, multiplicity-10
* 6S05 is still turned OFF, pending tank-end operation
WFD problems:
Run 18503: ev. 63 - zero-compression-off for SM2/Ch06
Run 18504: ev. 18 - zero-compression-off for SM2/Ch08
Run 18507: Ed Kearns' job crashed with a "Message number 000000" error message
between events 38 & 39 (reports run duration of 0.02hours)
inside RAWSCAN's WFD_FIND_CHAN subroutine.
ev. 19 - zero-compression-off for SM2/Ch12
Run 18508: ev. 34 - zero-compression-off for SM2/Ch38
ev. 58 - bogus WFD data on id=2 buffer
SM5 CH20 reports ped std. of 5.91 (typicallay ~ 1.0)
due to ev. 58 (ADC values are just wrong for this channel)
Run 18509: Ed Kearns' job crashed with a "Message number 000000" error message
between events 50 & 52 (reports run duration of 0.02hours)
inside RAWSCAN's WFD_FIND_CHAN subroutine.
Potential PMT problems:
Run 18502, ev. 8065, 5B03-1 had some sort of light-leak
Run 18511, ev. 704, 5B03-1 had some sort of light-leak
TOHM SM1-West still has many fakes (time word OK) and no bits found
TOHM SM1-Center still has no bits found (time-word OK)
*** Noticed that Fake hits + Bfound for SM1-West TOHM = Timeword found
for SM1-Center. Suspecting error in wiring !!! ***
Interesting events: Run 18503, ev. 8 (sent e-mail about it)
Run 18505, ev. 8391 (LaMOSSKa), 5T16: 1.4GeV, 5E11: 1.0GeV
Your humble shiftworker
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Sun Oct 31 1999 - 13:32:49 EST