
Subject: gains
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 13:09:33 EST

Ciao a tutti,

Here's a brief update on GC related issues in the gain reset operation.

RUN 18576 just started with SM3/4/5/6 all phrase+streamer+US scintillator
acquisition included. A HARD INIT was performed in order to load new
PHRASE thresholds in SM5/6. Earlier today new ERP LUTs produced overnight
were loaded in SM5/6 also.

The ERP GC online monitor is now enabled on SM3/4/5/6 and DISABLED on SM1/2.

SM1/2 are mostly done. We'll start a VSMAC1 run on them in order to
collect data for threshold adjustment.

A presto,

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