Summary of DLT processing (#DD001-DD024)

Subject: Summary of DLT processing (#DD001-DD024)
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 11:36:07 EST

Hi all,

This file is available also at

As you propably know we have been reprosessing all MACRO data since July 1995
in order to complete our data set for monopole and LIP searches. This has
obliged us to go back to the full ZEBRA DLTs (MACRO has just filled up DLT#301).
We have gone through the first 25 DLTs [DD001-DD024] + D011B.
I here summarize observations that are related to bookkeeping and analysis

The covered topics include:
 (A) DLT labeling -- DLT failure rate
 (B) 60 hours of MACRO data **F O U N D** (have not been analyzed for nu_mu's?)
 (C) Mismatch of RUN lengths due to DREAM errors at the RAW to ZEBRA stage

Let me know if you have any comments/questions.
We are keep going at a rate of 2-3 tapes per day with a goal to complete
all missing data (DD001-DD066) by the time of the January collaboration meeting.


(A) LNGS has a ~260 DLT TAPE /3 DLT DRIVE ROBOT. We have proceeded in barcode
    labeling of the tapes at Gran Sasso. This allows immediate use of the
    robot for all MACRO data. We have actually used extensively the ROBOT
    so far for this data reprocessing.
    We have processed 25 DLTs corresponding to RUN10557 (24-JUL-1995) up to
    RUN11496 (28-DEC-1995). One DLT, (DD011B) failed to download to disk
    three files while it corrupted downloading of a forth one.
    DD011B was restored from the VMS BACKUP of the corresponding tape.
    There was another occasion that suggested a DLT failure; this eventually
    was traced to a hard disk problem.
    There were minor errors in the local tape list files that were corrected
    for DD011B and DD008 (RUN10880).
(B) There were 12 files for which the ONLINE LOGBOOK was not produced. As
    a result the MUON DSTs were never produced (at least locally at LNGS).
    My guess is that these runs escaped from the majority of the muon analyses.

    Notice that there was a RUN (10880) for which the logbook entry that
    results is the one for 10881!!! This is dangerous and the online lgb
    for RUN 10880 should be immediately deleted.

    Location in Tape RUN# SIZE in VMS blocks TAPE
    file # 03/ 31 RUN010739.DAT 189330 DD005
    file # 27/ 42 RUN010880.DAT 645823 DD008
    file # 15/ 23 RUN010976.DAT 647469 DD011
    file # 16/ 23 RUN010977.DAT 646765 DD011
    file # 17/ 23 RUN010978.DAT 646671 DD011
    file # 18/ 23 RUN010979.DAT 646818 DD011
    file # 19/ 23 RUN010980.DAT 646757 DD011
    file # 27/ 49 RUN011109.DAT 335658 DD014
    file # 28/ 49 RUN011110.DAT 237754 DD014
    file # 16/ 26 RUN011145.DAT 300784 DD015
    file # 22/ 26 RUN011151.DAT 646125 DD015
    file # 23/ 26 RUN011152.DAT 295576 DD015

    Unfortunately, we have not kept these runs on disk. Within a couple
    of week though we'll be able to produce the muon astronomy file for them.

(C) Our data processing involves as a first step the reproduction of the
    RAW MACRO RUN file starting from the ZEBRA one. This is fundamental
    in order to access the WFD data under the VMS platform. During this
    process, we found the following 28 RUNs that resulted in a SHORTER
    RAW file respect to what we were expecting by some 50-100 KB. This is
    a non recoverable loss and our working hypothesis is that these data
    were lost due to a DREAM error at the RAW to ZEBRA stage. The record
    lost were most likely connected to bogus events anyways.

    Location in Tape RUN# SIZE in VMS blocks TAPE
                                    expect found
    file # 30/ 37 RUN011016.DAT 645819 645810 DD011B
    file # 47/ 49 RUN011127.DAT 102496 102488 DD014
    file # 01/ 26 RUN011130.DAT 645830 645826 DD015
    file # 19/ 26 RUN011148.DAT 645806 645761 DD015
    file # 17/ 45 RUN011170.DAT 645817 645800 DD016
    file # 19/ 45 RUN011172.DAT 385442 385392 DD016
    file # 02/ 43 RUN011194.DAT 645811 645732 DD017
    file # 02/ 77 RUN011235.DAT 645777 645685 DD018
    file # 09/ 77 RUN011242.DAT 645988 645882 DD018
    file # 13/ 77 RUN011246.DAT 645899 645865 DD018
    file # 18/ 77 RUN011251.DAT 27931 27877 DD018
    file # 14/ 31 RUN011310.DAT 645809 645756 DD019
    file # 16/ 31 RUN011312.DAT 645793 645785 DD019
    file # 15/ 51 RUN011340.DAT 645819 645773 DD020
    file # 21/ 51 RUN011346.DAT 645920 645869 DD020
    file # 26/ 51 RUN011351.DAT 645817 645727 DD020
    file # 48/ 51 RUN011369.DAT 63210 63178 DD020
    file # 17/ 33 RUN011387.DAT 645973 645892 DD021
    file # 22/ 33 RUN011392.DAT 645858 645769 DD021
    file # 01/ 40 RUN011404.DAT 411345 411269 DD022
    file # 24/ 40 RUN011425.DAT 77626 77549 DD022
    file # 27/ 40 RUN011428.DAT 645870 645828 DD022
    file # 04/ 27 RUN011473.DAT 645888 645819 DD024
    file # 06/ 27 RUN011475.DAT 645816 645687 DD024
    file # 12/ 27 RUN011481.DAT 645830 645783 DD024
    file # 14/ 27 RUN011483.DAT 324556 324438 DD024
    file # 19/ 27 RUN011488.DAT 599398 599324 DD024
    file # 25/ 27 RUN011494.DAT 645850 645786 DD024

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