Unbalanced (0/1) counters

Subject: Unbalanced (0/1) counters
From: Erik Katsavounidis (Erik.Katsavounidis@lngs.infn.it)
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 13:53:26 EST

Hi all--

Ioannis, Nicola and Roberto composed the following list of counters
that report highly (~2:1) unbalanced gains for the two ends (I'm not
sure though that it includes all of Nicola's list). We checked the
following five horizontal counters today. The main goal has been
to exclude that one of the two PMTs in the tank end were not functioning.
This was indeed the case for all five of them. In only one counter
we found one out of the two tubes running at very low gain.
All the tubes were left at their running gain (no gain was changed).

Here's the counters checked:

3B04-0 -00 ok at nominal gain
          -01 ok at nominal gain
          3B04-1 was at nominal gain ~4mV/spe

3B11-0 -00 found undergained at 3-3.5mV/spe (don't recall exactly)
          -01 ok at gain ~4mV/spe
          3B14-1 was at nominal gain ~4mV/spe

4B06-0 -00 found undergained at 3-3.5mV/spe (don't recall exactly)
          -01 ok at gain ~4mV/spe
          4B06-1 was at nominal gain ~4mV/spe

4C01-0 -00 ok at gain ~3.8mV/spe
          -01 seriously undergained ~2.2mV/spe
          4C01-1 was at nominal gain ~4mV/spe

4C08-0 -00 ok at nominal gain
          -01 unstable upon turn, bright with filled in spe --
          -01 stabilized after ~1min running at gain ~3.7mV/spe
          4C08-1 was at nominal gain ~4mV/spe

The following counters have not been checked. For the horizontal
one, we need to have the run down. However, for the rest of the
them (verticals), looking at the stand alone signal on the scope
should be enough. Please do so on the first occasion and update
this list.



A presto,

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