Subject: Y2K test drive
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 05:41:56 EST
Ciao a tutti,
As a follow up to Sandro's test at Frascati (yielding successful results),
we are planning a ~full Y2K simulation in MACRO next week. This will involve
most likely changing VSMAC1's internal clock and running at the year's
transition and beyond with the back up system. Changing the UT clock
accordingly is not straightforward but not impossible; if doable it has
to be arranged with the rest of the LNGS experiments that make use of it
My question to you has to do with GC online monitors: maybe the communication
to the international network has to be disabled or at least some warning
is given. I believe we have to change WSGS04 internal clock also as this
is where the PHRASE monitor runs.
Anyways, Sandro suggested having this test on Monday. Marco will be
on shift at GS, so most of PHRASE stuff can be addressed on the spot.
Kate, if you have some other request of suggestion with regards to the
ERPGC monitor or if you'd like to review the code that runs the monitor
and suggest a specific configuration, just let me know.
A presto,
PS: I believe we should eventually perform this test on VXMACA/B also.
Even if we change the internal clocks of all the vaxes in the tunnel
and run for 2-3 hours in Y2K tests, I wouldn't consider it time lost
for GC searches.
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