Week end report

Subject: Week end report
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 11:11:24 EST

    Ciao a tutti,

    this is a brief summary of my week end shift.

 - I took a look at PMTs that we have replaced last week...they
   have not problems on trigger rates (specially on TOHM).
 - Hot tanks on TOHM: 3T12 ~ 60 mHz(!!), 4T02 ~ 30mHz, 5T02 ~ 20mHz
                      1T11 ~ 13mHz, 2T16 ~ 13mHz, 6T11 ~ 10mHz
   4T02 needs a tank end operation (from gain sett.)
   The Helium contamination for these boxes is:

      3T12-0/1 --> 22%/14%
      4T02-0/1 --> 18%/25%
      5T02-0/1 --> 9%/15.4%
      1T11-0/1 --> 16.5%/14%
      2T16-0/1 --> 16%/18%
      6T11-0/1 --> 20%/5%


 - Starting from run 18690 5B11 had a high TOHM trigger rate..I
   checked the PMT and I found a very bad signal from side 1.
   It started giving problems yesterday night (run 18697) and it
   has been turned off by Yiannis. (This box has a high He cont.
   too: 5B11-0/1--> 15%/21%)
 - GC front: very high trigger rate for 5E04 (3500mHz), 6S04 (4500mHz),
              and 6S07 (20000mHz).
   Yioannis produced new LUTs yesterday night that I have loaded
   this morning. I found problems for 1C13/14/15/16...I needed three
   attempts to have success..
   Now 5E04 seems fine, 6S04 and 6S07 need another LUT iteration.
 - There are still fake LED/CAL/HV err bits on SPU!
 - I found another not justified LAMO trigger on SM5 during run 18700

 - I worked on PMTs gain variation study. I considered PMTs not opened,
   without double gains and with different gains with respect to last
   year. You can find a preliminary draft in

 - This is the list of tanks that need to be opened after the gain setting:

    1T04-0, 2B15-0, 2B11-1, 2C11-0, 2T06-0, 3B03-0, 3B05-0, 3E07-0,
    3T08-1, 4T02-1, 5B03-1, 5B04-1, 6B02-0, 6B16-1, 6C14-1


   A presto,



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