Shutdown saga continues...

Subject: Shutdown saga continues...
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 12:05:30 EST

From: SMTP%"" 10-DEC-1999 17:22:40.17
Subj: Shutdown on Dec 16 and 17

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 17:22:19 +0100
From: "cade qualche fiocco di neve..." <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Shutdown on Dec 16 and 17

Dear Colleagues,
        we have to partially modify the program of activities connected
to the shutdown of next week. The activities for tuesday, Dec. 14 and
Wendsday Dec. 15 will not change. Then the program will change as follows:

Dec. 16 (Thursday) The hydric system will be down. This will affect
        conditioning. Power will be down in the MACRO counting house
        (affecting the computers). Also power for MACRO Gas System will
        be down. Same for the CRESST compressor, the Heidelberg-Moscow
        and Pulex experiments, and the N2 plant of Borex.
        Telephone and data connections should not be affected.

Dec. 17 (Friday) Only activity not involving directly the experiments.

Dec. 20 (monday) Power down in LVD counting house. LVD is connected back to
        normal power distribution.

The rest of activities (involving power to DAMA and possibly Heidelberg
        Moscow), will be postponed after Jan. 15, 2000

                        Thank you for collaboration

                                Aurelio Grillo

                        0862 437294
                        0348 3123225

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