Calib. uVAX crate back in action

Subject: Calib. uVAX crate back in action
Date: Fri Dec 24 1999 - 05:13:43 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

    Me and Massimo turned back on the calib. uVAX crate, after putting
the Wiener CAMAC power supply back (works fine now, including the fan
replaced) and moving the branch termination from the empty crate to
that one. We have first checked all modules and the fan unit for the
washer that fell yesterday while working on the rack fan - couldn't
find it anywhere. We have also turned back on the SM4 switchboxes
that were turned off and also ran "switchbox reset".
   In this way, we now have one more Kinetic Systems 1500 CAMAC crate
(with power supply) as a spare; it is currently located underneath
the two HP pulsers. Note that we need to check and possibly modify
its regulator card before using it for the TOHM crates. In addition,
we have one more CAMAC branch cable (~ 2mt. long) spare.

A presto,

p.s.: This whole operation took place between runs.

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