Subject: quick report
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 08:34:00 EST
Ciao a tutti,
due to power/network problems, this morning Yiannis and I worked on
- 6E02-1...we swapped the LeCroy HV channel of this box with a
spare one but it is still flasher;
- 6E10....looking at WFD plots, when there are LED-like pulses on
side-1, you can see ~100mV pulses on the other side after 60-70 ns.
So we decided to remove the 50 Ohm termination from the LED nearest at
PMT and plug it in the other LED connector;
- we fixed a Pisa fan-unit that I'm testing. We have two spares now (even
if I don't like a noise from the fan repaired yesterday by Yiannis);
- the UTC doesn't work (for a planned power maintenance) and so PHRASE
sometime needs "hard init" and/or LSCM restart (according to R.Pazzi).
I hope to be able to go outside today because the shuttle service has been
interrupted for problems in doors power....
A dopo,
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