VSMAC1 backup acquisition

Subject: VSMAC1 backup acquisition
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 07:45:24 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

   Here is what you have to do in order to start a run on the backup
system (VSMAC1) when VXMACA/VXMACB is not reachable.
- Keep in mind when turning OFF the computers to keep the network-related
  equipment (ethernet bridges etc.) ON.
- Remember NOT to reboot any uVAX when VXMACA/VXMACB are down; the uVAXs
  load their systems from there. By the same token, Global DAS Initialization
  does not work on VSMAC1.
- Remember that there is no AUTO-RESTART procedure on VSMAC1; thus, if
  the run crashes during the night, the system does not restart.
- Before you perform ACQ HARD INIT, do the following changes on the
  ACQ constants (ACQ CONS CHANGE ...)

A presto,


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