Subject: VXMACA/B clock error
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 04:21:21 EST
Hi all,
As I told you yesterday, VXMACB/A had an unexpected reboot at 17:30.
It then restarted with a 2001 date. This was enough to send all SCINTSOFT
in batch waiting for year 2001 (the date was changed back to 2000 within
10-15 minutes or so by Sandro).
I manually killed and restarted all SCINTSOFT batch jobs.
People on shift: please check daily the status of the SCINTSOFT jobs,
including cleaning up of all of its e-mail.
Kate, all the MICHPUB job are executing as they should. However, I don't
know if the time glitch might actually have screwed them up (they most
likely started at boot time with a wrong date stamp: 15-FEB-2001).
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