work day summary

Subject: work day summary
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 12:45:45 EST

This is a summary of works done today, included where things are left today.
You can find this file in DISK$SCRAUSA2:[MACROUSA0.ROBOT] and the name is
logbook.txt. Please update it every day.

18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:00 found running jobs for DD046 and DD047
18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:15 launched Robot copy job for DD048
18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:20 job failed for AXPGS3 rebooting
18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:30 summary of DD045 processing
18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:35 prepared all.list/fileall.list for DD044 and DD045
18-FEB-2000 NZ 09:40 cleaned disks for DD045 files
18-FEB-2000 NZ 12:47 Relaunched Robot copy job for DD048
18-FEB-2000 NZ 14:50 Backup for CALIB 10 (on-line files) - 2 copies
18-FEB-2000 NZ 15:00 AXMAC1 copies+BCK (DD321) checked, debugged (disk$macro
                       not mounted) and tapes archived.
18-FEB-2000 NZ 16:30 CALIB 10 copies terminated - files deleted from
18-FEB-2000 NZ 17:15 started first copy for NGC005 (added GC files of DD044)
18-FEB-2000 NZ 17:20 started first copy for NRD007 (new tape - contains RARE
                       DSTs files from DD044 and DD045)
18-FEB-2000 NZ 17:30 started second copy for NGC005
18-FEB-2000 NZ 17:45 updated TAPLIS.TAB for runs 12124, 12145 and 12150 (bad
                       size corrected) from DD044
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:00 started second copy for NRD007
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:05 first NRD007 copy terminated. Tape labelad.
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:15 NGC005 is now completed. This tape has ~ 15.3 Mblks
                       All files already backupped have been deleted.
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:31 DD046 processing completed
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:32 launched copy Robot job for DD049- disk$scrausa7 and
                       AXPGS5 used
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:40 NRD007 is now completed. Files already backupped have
                       been deleted
18-FEB-2000 NZ 18:45 running DD047, DD048 and DD049 jobs

A presto,


This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Fri Feb 18 2000 - 12:45:54 EST