Resubmit failing

Subject: Resubmit failing
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 11:16:03 EST

Hi all,

My latest MINI respawn attempt said:

*** Using non-zebra version of CALMOD, v2.51 ***
%FOR-F-FILNOTFOU, file not found
  unit 11 file DISK$SCRAUSA6:[RAREDSTS]RARE019166.DST;
  user PC 00000000
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found

Also, I saw this on my screen:

Job TAPEMAKE3 (queue AXPGS0_FAST, entry 626) completed

I'm guessing that I was a little late with the resubmits. I guess this is
just one more RARE DLT that I will have to go back and spin, no big deal.

It could also be that logicals are changing before my jobs could know
about them. E.g. I noticed that the usual logicals, like montop$ref,
aren't defined anymore when logging into MACROUSA.


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