Report on DD146 reprocessing

Subject: Report on DD146 reprocessing
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 15:13:46 EST

* DOWNLOAD : 3.4 hrs PROBLEM RUNS: 90834, 90836 -> calib. runs, not marked *
* ZEB2RAW : 2.5 hrs on CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT *
* TOTAL : 12.1 hrs GC-DSTS : NGC017 CPU USED : AXPGS5 *

This is a report on the processing of DD146

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 25-MAR-2000 21:09:32.59
Subj: Start COPY of FIRST (#1) file of DD146 (RUN015014) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 26-MAR-2000 00:34:58.92
Subj: Done COPY of LAST (#25) file of DD146 (RUN015036) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

Download from tape to disk lasted ~ 3.4 hrs

From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 26-MAR-2000 00:35:11.91
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) ZEB2RAW job of DD146 (RUN015014) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 26-MAR-2000 04:02:49.34
Subj: Submitted LAST (#25) ZEB2RAW job of DD146 (RUN015036) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

Conversion of ZEBRA to RAW lasted ~ 2.5 hrs
(1 hour for daylight savings time change !)

From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 26-MAR-2000 04:39:05.84
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) MR MONITOR job of DD146 (RUN015014) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 26-MAR-2000 10:53:09.99
Subj: Submitted LAST (#25) MR MONITOR job of DD146 (RUN015036) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

Processing of the RAW RUN files lasted ~ 6.2 hrs

Received e-mail regarding the following runs:
   Subj: CALIB: DD146 RUN090834 CAL0 (HIST)/2 (STAT)
   Subj: CALIB: DD146 RUN090836 CAL0 (HIST)/2 (STAT)
Run 90834 is a "Waveform ADC calibration" on uVAX#3, according to LGB,
and was taken on 3-DEC-1997 - no entry on CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT/CALIB_SUMMARY.LOG
Run 90836 is a "Slow Monopole calibration" on uVAX#3, according to LGB,
taken the same day (on 3-DEC-1997); again no entries on calib. list files.
Both file are under DISK$SCRAUSA7:[MACRODATA.RAW.CAL] and the above mentioned
files have been updated accordingly.

All RARE and GC dsts have been put on tape (NRD028 & NGC017 correspondingly)
and all relevant files cleaned/archived

DD146 is now completed. It took 3.4 + 2.5 + 6.2 = ~12.1 hrs

This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Sun Mar 26 2000 - 15:13:49 EST