Subject: Diagnosis of DD153 processing
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 05:28:39 EST
This is a report on the processing of DD153
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 27-MAR-2000 09:02:23.07
Subj: Start COPY of FIRST (#1) file of DD153 (RUN015186) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
During the download from tape to disk we found this problems
WARNING-- In DD153 RUN015205.ZEB expecting 765197 vs 757941
WARNING-- In DD153 RUN015206.ZEB expecting 763341 vs 0
that Yiannis fixed:
SMTP%"" 27-MAR-2000 17:59:55.30
DD153 G.S. copy broken - repaired today
While reprocessing MACRO data, we found out that DD153 (G.S. copy)
was corrupted; only the first 25 files were OK (up until RUN015204.ZEB).
The rest 14 (RUN015205-RUN015219) produced read parity error.
I got the BACKUP tape and restored its contents on disk (succesfully)
and then produced a new version of DD153 (succesfully) that will take
the place of the original one, once that tape is out of the ROBOT.
I don't know if the other 4 copies (BO/FR/NA/PI) have had problems
or not; in fact, the file DD153.LOG and DD153.LBK have clear signs
of some abnormal conditions when these tapes were produced.
The files copy from BACKUP tape to disk lasted ~ 9hrs.
So I launched the ZEB2RAW for this DD
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 27-MAR-2000 18:03:15.69
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) ZEB2RAW job of DD153 (RUN015186) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 27-MAR-2000 20:43:45.87
Subj: Submitted LAST (#39) ZEB2RAW job of DD153 (RUN015219) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
Conversion of ZEBRA to RAW lasted ~ 2.7 hrs.
Then the processing of the RAW RUN files started. It lasted ~ 8.5 hrs
DD153 is now completed. It took 9+2.7+8.5= ~20.2 hrs.
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