DD182 report

Subject: DD182 report
From: ORSINI MASSIMO (Massimo.Orsini@lngs.infn.it)
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 03:48:29 EDT

This is the report for DD182

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 4-APR-2000 10:54:30.49
Subj: Start COPY of FIRST (#1) file of DD182 (RUN015866) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 4-APR-2000 14:38:00.65
Subj: Done COPY of LAST (#28) file of DD182 (RUN015890) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9

Download from tape to disk lasted ~3.5 hrs

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 4-APR-2000 14:57:20.57
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) ZEB2RAW job of DD182 (RUN015866) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 4-APR-2000 18:08:35.41
Subj: Submitted LAST (#28) ZEB2RAW job of DD182 (RUN015890) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9

The conversion from ZEBRA to RAW lasted ~3 hrs

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 4-APR-2000 18:08:42.44
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) MR MONITOR job of DD182 (RUN015866) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 02:42:19.85
Subj: Submitted LAST (#28) MR MONITOR job of DD182 (RUN015890) Selected CPU:3/DISK:9

MR_MONITOR needed ~9 hrs

We received the following message:

CALIB: DD182 RUN091027 CAL0 (HIST)/1 (STAT)

It's LAMOSSKA calibration run but the CAL_RUN_LIST file wasn't updated

DD182 is now completed. It took 3.5+3+9 = ~15.5 hrs

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