DD186 report

Subject: DD186 report
From: ORSINI MASSIMO (Massimo.Orsini@lngs.infn.it)
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 03:52:29 EDT

This is the report for DD186

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 13:32:35.82
Subj: Start COPY of FIRST (#1) file of DD186 (RUN015963) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 18:24:28.30
Subj: Done COPY of LAST (#28) file of DD186 (RUN015986) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

Download from tape to disk lasted ~5 hrs

From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 18:24:41.02
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) ZEB2RAW job of DD186 (RUN015963) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 22:37:11.63
Subj: Submitted LAST (#28) ZEB2RAW job of DD186 (RUN015986) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

The conversion from ZEBRA to RAW lasted ~4.2 hrs

From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 5-APR-2000 22:37:21.37
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) MR MONITOR job of DD186 (RUN015963) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7
From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 6-APR-2000 05:20:16.79
Subj: Submitted LAST (#28) MR MONITOR job of DD186 (RUN015986) Selected CPU:5/DISK:7

MR_MONITOR needed ~7 hrs

We received the following messages:

CALIB: DD186 RUN091046 CAL0 (HIST)/1 (STAT) - LED/TDC calibration
CALIB: DD186 RUN091052 CAL0 (HIST)/1 (STAT) - LASER calibration
CALIB: DD186 RUN091050 CAL0 (HIST)/1 (STAT) - LAMOSSKA calibration
CALIB: DD186 RUN091051 CAL0 (HIST)/1 (STAT) - LASER calibration

All the above list of runs were missing from the calib. file and
it was updated.

DD186 is now completed. It took 5+4.2+7 = ~16.2 hrs

This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Thu Apr 06 2000 - 03:52:31 EDT