Subject: uVAX 3 Back in acquisition
Date: Mon Apr 17 2000 - 10:56:43 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
During run 19399 a (probably) electric-power glitch caused a TOHM lower
LAMBDA power supply on SM6 broke.
This power supply showed 8.0 V on +12V line (with a 40mV AC component 100 Hz frequency).
For this reasonwe excluded uVax3 from acquisition to start RUN19415 w/o uVAX3.
Today we replaced this power supply using a different one (we have no
LAMBDA spares available! and no more ACOPIAN 12 V). After a 40 min. mini-acq we put back uVax3 in
acquisition (starting from run 19416).
Furtermore we putted back in acquisition 1B08, for this box we changed LECROY channel without updating
properly PMTHV.DAT (Now we have 1B08 on the channel that previously was 1SP8-7)
A presto,
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