Subject: Data shift report
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 12:17:20 EDT
DATA SHIFT REPORT (From 29-Apr-2000 to 05-May-2000)
(From run 19472 to 19499)
by Massimo Orsini
the run 19476 (29-APR-2000) crashed because of target buffer busy then
the acquisition has been running smoothly untill MAY 1th when a PISA
fan unit failed on SM4 during run 19484.
Starting from tuesday, several calibration/test runs where performed on
uVax1 in order to realize a special WFD calibration software.
Also, special FMT/WFD calibrations were performed on uVax1 while on
friday all monopole calibration settings were executed on uVax3.
From run 19502 all WFDs are out from ACQ., the new camac list GUT20.LISx.
has been realized and the run size was set on both VXMACA/VSMAC1 to
145000 Kb instead of the usual 370000 Kb for VXMACA and 340000 Kb for
The last run with WFD was actually the 19500 (thursday,May 4) even though
it lasted 1 minute only, but the WFD crates on SM1/2 should be dismounted
starting from friday May 5th, 2000.......
.......I'll be missing those panels with green/red blinking LEDs...........
19476 29 Apr 2000 TARGET BUFFER BUSY
19496 3 May 2000 TARGET BUFFER BUSY
19503 5 May 2000 HIGH DEAD TIME ON uVAX1 due to a short circuit
on a strip flat cable.
19500 4 May 2000 LAST RUN WITH WFDs
19502 4 May 2000 FIRST RUN WITHOUT WFDs - (NeO-MACRO hardware configuration)
RUN19472 EVNT 3 - SM 2 CH10 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
RUN19473 EVNT 117 - SM 2 CH2 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
RUN19473 EVNT 1429 - SM 5 CH0 ND10020 - Big event
RUN19473 EVNT 9232 - SM 6 CH4 ND10072 - Big event
RUN19475 EVNT 3159 - SM 3 CH10 ND10580 - Noise
RUN19475 EVNT 3167 - SM 3 CH10 ND11176 - Noise
RUN19477 EVNT 2398 - SM 3 CH10 ND12354 - Noise
RUN19479 EVNT 3110 - SM 1 CH32 ND10914 - Big event
RUN19480 EVNT 6741 - SM 6 CH32 ND10024 - Big event
RUN19481 EVNT 73 - SM 2 CH24 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
RUN19483 EVNT 6 - SM 2 CH 0 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
RUN19484 EVNT 10 - SM 2 CH38 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
WARNING SM-2 CH-08: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 2.14
WARNING SM-2 CH-09: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 2.39
WARNING SM-2 CH-10: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 2.50
WARNING SM-2 CH-11: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 3.56
From the first events, these channels show a very bad timeword shape and
very few NDATA.
RUN19493 EVNT 102 - SM 2 CH 4 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
WARNING SM-2 CH-08: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 4.14
WARNING SM-2 CH-10: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 2.71
WARNING SM-2 CH-11: PED STDEV out of tolerance(>4): 2.22
No problems found for these channels scanning the firts events of the RAW
RUN19498 EVNT 21 - SM 2 CH12 ND12498 - Zero supp. off
ERP --> 3B07 ~6mHz
ERP-GC --> 6S04 ~110mHz, 6S07 ~70mHz
1E02 200 mHz, 6W12 ~80 mHz,
TOHM --> 1T11 ~20mHz, 2T16 ~8mHz, 3T12 ~40mHz(!) 4T02 ~10mHz,
4T10 ~10mHz, 5T06 ~10mHz
LIP --> 1B16 ~0.5mHz(!),1B14 ~0.6mHz, 1C15 ~0.7mHz,1T02 ~0.8mHz
2E10 ~6.5mHz, 3E04 ~5.5mHz, 5T02 ~0.7mHz(!), 6T12 ~4mHz
5C01 ~0.8mHz
LAMOSSKA: All triggers gave the early stop to the WFDs till run 19499 but we
didn't get any SM2 LaMoSsKa triggers from run 19488.
CSPAM/ERP efficiency: 3B07 ~45%, 6T07 ~75% according to Chuck's plots.
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B16 (dead), 1C08, 1C15 and 5T02 that are still
almost dead according to the statistic files.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE and LED on uVax1.
STOP MASTER: ~15 fakes per run from SM4%1@CITm - (known problem)
NO-Q-RESPONSES: ~4 per run from M:2 B:2 C:5 N:21 - (known problem)
We replaced a PISA fan unit on SM4 which failed during run 19484;
while running calibrations in SM1/2 the PMT fanout servicing
1E01-1E04 broke (fumes were coming out) and it was thus replaced.
First run after the replacement is 19502.
Actually during run 19503 we got a high dead time from uVAX1 due to
a short circuit on a strip flat cable which even created noise to the
TOHM lower triggers.
On May 4, we also disconnected the following TOHM hottest channels
from the BU-fanout:
1T03-0 1T11-0 2C14-0 2T16-1
We also unplugged all LEMO cables from BU-fanout/WFD front panels
Here's the list of calibrations performed on uVax1 and uVax3:
91804 02-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD IOK/CL SM1/2 part I -- JUNK
91805 02-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD IOK/CL SM1/2 part II -- JUNK
91806 02-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD IOK/CL SM1/2 part III -- JUNK
91808 02-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD IOK/CL SM1/2 part IV -- JUNK
91812 03-MAY-2000 LAMOSSKA IOK SM1/2
91816 03-MAY-2000 PULSER/WFD IOK/NZ/MO/RG SM1/2
91817 03-MAY-2000 PULSER/WFD IOK/NZ/MO/RG SM1/2
91818 03-MAY-2000 PULSER/WFD IOK/NZ/MO/RG SM1/2
91819 03-MAY-2000 PULSER/WFD IOK/NZ/MO/RG SM1/2
91820 03-MAY-2000 PULSER/WFD IOK/NZ/MO/RG SM1/2
91821 04-MAY-2000 LAMOSSKA RG SM1/2
91822 04-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD CL SM1/2
91823 04-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD CL SM1/2
91824 04-MAY-2000 FMT/WFD CL SM1/2
91826 04-MAY-2000 LASER/WFD EK SM1/2 LOWER
91829 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO MO SM5/6 6uS
91830 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO MO SM5/6 6uS
91831 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO EK/MO SM5/6 1uS
91832 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO EK/MO SM5/6 1uS
91833 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO EK/MO SM5/6 350nS
91834 05-MAY-2000 LED/MONO EK/MO SM5/6 350nS
91835 05-MAY-2000 LASER/WFD IK/EK SM1/2 Attico part I
91836 05-MAY-2000 LASER/WFD IK/EK SM1/2 Attico - JUNK
91837 05-MAY-2000 LASER/WFD IK/EK SM1/2 Lower
91838 05-MAY-2000 LASER/WFD IK/EK SM1/2 Attico part II
DATA reprocessing: (by Nicola Zaccheo)
LAST report is on the processing of DD260
All DSTs (RARE/LAMO/OVER/RRNW/GC) till run 19499 and part of the last calib.
files were already backupped on tapes and deleted from disk.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Fri May 05 2000 - 12:17:27 EDT