Subject: ..Wednesday report
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 11:39:00 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
today I fixed the following two problems:
- starting from run 19510 channel 6TH0 (6T09-6T16/side-0) was dead
on both CISPAM/HIPT (also during last LAMOSSKA calibration on uVax3).
I checked the corresponding Fan-in/fan-out channel and I didn't
see any signals from the three (CSPAM/HIPT/LAMO) outputs. I swapped
this channel with a spare one and everything works fine now.
- starting from run 19515 we received a lot of NO Q's responses (~5000)
from SM2 Stop Master. Looking at the data, you can see a problem that
sometimes happens on this module: the XSTOP between SM1 STPM and
SM2 STPM didn't work. In fact I found the corresponding wire unsoldered.
I fixed it and it works fine now.
In addition I have unplugged the WFD cables for the KATE/VME
monitor on SM1,2,5 and 6. In this manner no KATE warning regarding
no longer existing WFDs will be send to us.
A presto,
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