Summary of MUON DST production for DDM17

Subject: Summary of MUON DST production for DDM17
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 14:04:46 EDT

Summary of MUON DST production for DDM17

Submitted FIRST (#1) MA MONITOR job of DDM17 (RUN007295) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9
Submitted LAST (#227) MA MONITOR job of DDM17 (RUN080914) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9

The following RUNs were cpu-expired on the FAST batch. Were relaunched
automatically on the BATCH and were succefully completed.

MA Cpu Expired RUN007379 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007383 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007386 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007387 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007391 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007390 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007393 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007394 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE
MA Cpu Expired RUN007399 DDM17 -- Relaunching on AXPGS0_BATCH -- COMPLETE

RUN 7367 had FORTRAN errors in event 5307. -- ONLINE_TRACKER line 29268
 problems with the ONLINE_TRACKER subroutine that crashed due to "illegal
 floating point number". This is variable "SLOPED" in line 29268 of
 subroutine ONLINE_TRACKER in DREAMLIB.FOR (DREAM V1.32). Apparently,
 the contents of IBUF(19:20) that are equivalenced to SLOPED are wrong.
 RUN reprocessing with FFREAD ERPP 23=0 ==> This disabled the calling to

The following RUNs had a MUON DST file (MA ACT ...) with
a size greater than the GC DST (GC ACT ...) and this is
why they were selected. In the message line you may find
also the number of MUON TRIGGERS (erpmu+Bari) recorded
during this run (-mu= ....). THere is NOTHING really we
can do about these runs. It is simply a sanity check: for
the vast majority of RUNs muon dsts are shorter than the
full runs. For these ones, a combination of short duration
and/or different data writting format results in this
a priori unexpected feature.

                             GC DST MUON DST ERPm+BARI
                             size in size in trgs
                             blocks blocks
                                | | |
                               \|/ \|/ \|/
SIZE RUN 7378 DDM17 GC ACT 8150 MA ACT 10421-mu= 1432-NO
SIZE RUN 7407 DDM17 GC ACT 8855 MA ACT 9441-mu= 4651-NO
SIZE RUN 7406 DDM17 GC ACT 10299 MA ACT 12154-mu= 4655-NO
SIZE RUN 7409 DDM17 GC ACT 10458 MA ACT 10527-mu= 1449-NO
SIZE RUN 7408 DDM17 GC ACT 8565 MA ACT 10212-mu= 1509-NO
SIZE RUN 7455 DDM17 GC ACT 6201 MA ACT 7095-mu= 1233-NO
SIZE RUN 7456 DDM17 GC ACT 14824 MA ACT 22592-mu= 3753-NO
SIZE RUN 7457 DDM17 GC ACT 11075 MA ACT 14837-mu= 3876-NO
SIZE RUN 7458 DDM17 GC ACT 8207 MA ACT 10313-mu= 1430-NO
SIZE RUN 7463 DDM17 GC ACT 10013 MA ACT 10985-mu= 1520-NO
SIZE RUN 7462 DDM17 GC ACT 6926 MA ACT 7177-mu= 1201-NO
SIZE RUN 7464 DDM17 GC ACT 16577 MA ACT 22478-mu= 3561-NO
SIZE RUN 7465 DDM17 GC ACT 12736 MA ACT 15739-mu= 3417-NO
SIZE RUN 7489 DDM17 GC ACT 12257 MA ACT 14886-mu= 3290-NO
SIZE RUN 7493 DDM17 GC ACT 8629 MA ACT 10379-mu= 1444-NO
SIZE RUN 7492 DDM17 GC ACT 9970 MA ACT 11004-mu= 1495-NO
SIZE RUN 7495 DDM17 GC ACT 798 MA ACT 894-mu= 206-NO
SIZE RUN 7490 DDM17 GC ACT 17424 MA ACT 23488-mu= 3774-NO
SIZE RUN 7494 DDM17 GC ACT 11511 MA ACT 15669-mu= 3913-NO
SIZE RUN 7496 DDM17 GC ACT 14968 MA ACT 22544-mu= 3839-NO
SIZE RUN80861 DDM17 GC ACT 8161 MA ACT 10924-mu= 5411-NO
SIZE RUN80864 DDM17 GC ACT 6433 MA ACT 8698-mu= 4428-NO
SIZE RUN80869 DDM17 GC ACT 6583 MA ACT 7950-mu= 5089-NO
SIZE RUN80867 DDM17 GC ACT 6522 MA ACT 10313-mu= 1396-NO
SIZE RUN80870 DDM17 GC ACT 9145 MA ACT 9772-mu= 5072-NO
SIZE RUN80872 DDM17 GC ACT 8372 MA ACT 10514-mu= 1532-NO
SIZE RUN80871 DDM17 GC ACT 11002 MA ACT 16947-mu= 4869-NO
SIZE RUN80886 DDM17 GC ACT 14846 MA ACT 18688-mu= 3877-NO
SIZE RUN80888 DDM17 GC ACT 14637 MA ACT 18557-mu= 4325-NO

Notice the followings:
The job-check of the MUON DST producing script, checks at
the end of the job if a RUN had ZERO ERPmu's and ZERO BARI
triggers. If this is the case and the MUON DST file is of
ZERO size, it renames it to *.MUDST0 otherwise it sends
a warning e-mail.

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