Diagnosis of DD284 processing

Subject: Diagnosis of DD284 processing
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 05:37:24 EDT

This is the report for DD284

From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 24-MAY-2000 16:11:55.11
Subj: Start COPY of FIRST (#1) file of DD284 (RUN018254) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9
From: AXPGS3::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 24-MAY-2000 20:32:41.45
Subj: Done COPY of LAST (#31) file of DD284 (RUN018277) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9

Download from tape to disk lasted ~ 4.2 hrs.

From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 24-MAY-2000 20:32:52.79
Subj: Submitted FIRST (#1) ZEB2RAW job of DD284 (RUN018254) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9
From: VAXGS::MACROUSA "LNGS US MACRO group" 24-MAY-2000 23:19:34.18
Subj: Submitted LAST (#31) ZEB2RAW job of DD284 (RUN018277) Selected CPU:0/DISK:9

Conversion of ZEBRA to RAW lasted ~ 2.8 hrs.

Then the processing of the RAW RUN files started. It lasted ~ 6.4 hrs

The following runs had the RARE DST making job (RD) crashed with ZEBRA FATAL
errors(DSTS_RUNXXXX.list file had a size too larger - actually this file had
a very big size for run 18274 too, but the RD job didn't crash for it).
Those RUNs were suffering from extreme TOHM rate on SM4 due to a TOHM lower
power supply broken.
        CL:DD284 RUN018272 CAL0 fail:0,done:4,exp:7 PROBLEM
        CL:DD284 RUN018273 CAL0 fail:0,done:4,exp:7 PROBLEM

I launched the MY_MONITOR job excluding the TOHM trigger for both runs and
everything went fine. Only the second version of the files have been left
on the disks.

DD284 is now completed. It took 4.2+2.8+6.4= ~13.4 hrs.

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