Subject: Check of DDM's calibration files
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 07:22:52 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
This is a check of the DDM calibration files found during the DDM17-
DDM01 re-processing respect to the ones identified during the media
transfer (TA90/8mm --> DLT) and copied on the NCLM01 tape.
On a total of 425 runs, 52 files were not present on NCLM01
while 10 were missed during the re-processing (9 were not included
in the CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT file, 1 was a Normal run wrongly flagged as
Laser calibration).
The size of all files produced during the re-processing is
in perfect agreement with the size of the files in the NCLM01.
All the calibration files piched up by the re-processing are
on AXMAC1::dka100:[macrodata.zeb] and I'm transfering on NCLM01 the 52
missed files (actually a first attemp failed and now there are problems
on AXMAC1).
A presto,
I scanned 2541 files and I produced a ntuple in order to confront
the files in both kind of tapes using also the raw size, the EOR,
the duration and the run type informations from the LGB files.
I'd like to remember you that the GCD** files were produced in ZEB format
at that time.
5 files were not present in the NGC tapes because they were missed from DD:
run type duration (probably) DD
16720 Normal 4.80 hrs 217
91068 Normal 0.12 hrs 190
91478 SM cal 0.83 hrs 272
91479 SM cal 0.30 hrs 272
91480 SM cal 0.86 hrs 272
I have recovered those GC files from corresponding GCD. They are now
in DISK$MACROSCRA3:[MACROUSA0.BACKUP.WORK] (110407 blocks) and we should
convert in RAW files before putting them at the end of the corresponding
NGC tapes.
As we know, 3 files were copied twice in the DDs and I found two version
of related GC DSTs on NGC tapes:
run 91245 and 91246 (DD220-DD221), run 91498 (both copies in DD275)
The LGB file **DOESN'T EXIST** for run 16224. It is a full run (5.7 hrs)
but the MUON DST file exists for it
(DISK$STOREDST:[DST.16000]RUN016224.TDST;1 9900/9905 blks)
Confronting the size of the ZEB files (GCD**) respect to the RAW one (NGC**)
I found that:
(1) ABS(sizZEB - sizRAW)mean = 7656 rms = 3813
(2) (ABS(sizZEB - sizRAW)/sizRAW)mean = 0.1722 rms = 0.18
Number of runs with (2) out of 3-sigma cut: 89
Number of runs with (2) out of 4-sigma cut: 53
Number of runs with (2) out of 5-sigma cut: 15
GC FORsize-RAWsize/RAWsize out of 5-sigma cut
RUN ZEB size RAW size Full RAW Duration
nr (blks) (blks) size (blks) (hrs)
| 16122. | 16032. | 3988. | 15140. | 0.10611
| 16123. | 13543. | 3425. | 12889. | 0.09361
| 16265. | 8860. | 2926. | 8277. | 0.09333
| 16266. | 13374. | 3940. | 9254. | 0.11028
| 16418. | 16749. | 4345. | 12849. | 0.10972
| 91085. | 19365. | 5564. | 18176. | 0.19028
| 91108. | 29321. | 12753. | 12753. | 0.59306
| 91109. | 19238. | 6950. | 262841. | 0.62472
| 91120. | 12783. | 5564. | 5564. | 0.55472
| 91169. | 6413. | 3169. | 107483. | 0.14389
| 91177. | 10252. | 4935. | 121197. | 0.20333
| 91197. | 23879. | 11296. | 426223. | 0.58111
| 91299. | 4304. | 2147. | 75949. | 0.19944
| 91300. | 4641. | 2310. | 82556. | 0.22778
| 91514. | 15990. | 7569. | 234037. | 0.27833
I checked the log files for those 15 runs without finding any problems.
A presto,
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