Subject: PMTs gain check on SM 3
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 07:32:04 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
I checked the PMTs status on SM3. The worst situations are below reported:
3B02-1 gain at -3.2 mV/spe
3B05-0 very bright
3B06-0 to be checked for double gain
3C05-1 very bad signal - check the PMTs separately
3C12-0 very bad signal (tank-end operation!?!)
3C16-0 bright, filled in spe, dynode peak - impossible to set the
gain (tank-end operation!?!)
3C16-1 very bad signal (tank-end operation!?!)
3W04-0 bright, filled in spe - gain at -3.4 mV/spe
3E06-0 very bright, filled in spe (bad tube)
3E07-0 very, very bright - to be checked for light leak (and maybe
to be opened!). We replaced this PMT on 18-Jan-2000!
3T08-0 gain at -4.6 mV/spe
3T09-1 bright, broad and filled in spe - gain at -3.6 mV/spe
3T13-0 strong dynode peak - gain at -3.5 mV/spe
3T17-0 bright, broad spe - gain at -3.4 mV/spe
The complete list is available in the PMTs logbook on the Web pages.
A presto,
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