Weekly shift report

Subject: Weekly shift report
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 07:56:30 EDT

Data shift report (30-May-2000 to 02-Jun-2000)

  by Nicola Zaccheo
  From run 19590 to 19599

 During my shift MACRO was running without problems.
 On Saturday (May 27), a PHRASE power supply broke on SM5 and the detector
 ran w/o uVax5 till Monday ,May 29, when it has been replaced with a spare

 There are still a couple of no Q responses per run from M:2,B:2,C:5,N:21
 During these events ERP triggers on SM3 (often alone) but seems that no
 real event occurs. Have a look at DISK$MACROSCRA:[ZACCHEO]index.html for
 the more recent event browser (run 19607)
 During this week there were some planed works on the refrigerating system
 without any problems for the tempereature on the Attico.


            TOHM --> 4T13 ~6mHz, 5T16~3.5mHz, 5B13 ~4mHz
           ERP --> 3B07 ~5.5mHz
           LIP --> 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1B12~0.9mHz, 1B14~1.1mHz, 2E10 ~8mHz,
                      3E04 ~6.5mHz, 5T02 ~0.8mHz, 6T12 ~10mHz
           ERP-GC --> 1E01 ~70mHz, 6W12 ~100mHz, 6S04 ~110mHz, 6S07 ~70mHz.
           PHRASE --> 1E09 ~30mHz, 2W14 ~35mHz, 5W11 ~40mHz

           not clear triggers on uVax2 during run 19597. 5 consecutive events
           with FMT only...It could be due to some power supply glitches.
           No problems for all other runs.


      There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for SM5 (LAM5-0).

    CSPAM/ERP efficiency:

      The only box with systematic inefficiency is 3B07 (~40%).

    ERP/LIP efficiency:

      Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16,1T15, 1C08, 1C14, 1C15, 5T02, 6C09
      and 6C10.

    SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2 VETO
         bits too).


      No problems reported.
     I checked the PMTs status on SM3. The worst situations are:

           3B02-1 gain at -3.2 mV/spe
           3B05-0 very bright
           3B06-0 to be checked for double gain
           3C05-1 very bad signal - check the PMTs separately
           3C12-0 very bad signal (tank-end operation!?!)
           3C16-0 bright, filled in spe, dynode peak - impossible to set the
                    gain (tank-end operation!?!)
           3C16-1 very bad signal (tank-end operation!?!)
           3W04-0 bright, filled in spe - gain at -3.4 mV/spe
           3E06-0 very bright, filled in spe (bad tube)
           3E07-0 very, very bright - to be checked for light leak (and maybe
                    to be opened!). We replaced this PMT on 18-Jan-2000!
           3T08-0 gain at -4.6 mV/spe
           3T09-1 bright, broad and filled in spe - gain at -3.6 mV/spe
           3T13-0 strong dynode peak - gain at -3.5 mV/spe
           3T17-0 bright, broad spe - gain at -3.4 mV/spe

     The complete list is available in the PMTs logbook on the Web pages.


        oil leaks check for the west side of SM4, SM5, SM6 and South face.
        There are no new leaks...I'm a bit worried because I found a lot
        of oil under the planes below the box 5W02..


      2 weeks analysed for ERP constants: ref. runs 195210 and 19547.

      Last DD processed is DD307. last DDM completed is DDM30.

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