Subject: RAREMAKER diagnosis for NRD005/NRD006
Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 11:49:12 EDT
Summary of the NRD005 and NRD006 RAW to ZEBRA conversion (RAREMAKER)
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 13-JUN-2000 17:58:13.00
Subj: Mounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label N05_06
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 17:02:37.88
Subj: Dismounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label N05_06
The global operation lasted ~23 hours
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 13-JUN-2000 17:58:21.72
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD005
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 05:36:59.98
Subj: Dismounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD005
The above two msgs identify the NRD005 START and END of the operation:
it lasted ~11.6 hours
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 13-JUN-2000 17:58:22.27
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN011716 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD005
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 05:36:59.22
Subj: Processed last (#230) RUN011930 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD005
All 230 RUNs included in tape NRD005 were processed.
For following 5 runs, the ZEBRA file was shorter than the RAW:
SIZE RUN81273 NRD005 RAW 4182 FZEX 2321-NO
SIZE RUN81274 NRD005 RAW 767 FZEX 549-NO
SIZE RUN81275 NRD005 RAW 814 FZEX 549-NO
SIZE RUN81276 NRD005 RAW 588 FZEX 380-NO
SIZE RUN81277 NRD005 RAW 386 FZEX 380-NO
The first one had uVax1 only in acquisition and the other ones were very
short runs.
I manually checked the LOG files where I saw no error.
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 05:40:09.82
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD006
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 17:02:37.18
Subj: Dismounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD006
The above two msgs identify the NRD006 START and END of the operation:
it lasted ~11.4 hours
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 05:40:10.44
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN011931 of tape#2 in drive MKB200:/label NRD006
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 14-JUN-2000 17:02:36.45
Subj: Processed last (#213) RUN012114 of tape#2 in drive MKB200:/label NRD006
All 213 RUNs included in tape NRD006 were processed.
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