NGC reprocess test

Subject: NGC reprocess test
Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 11:46:30 EDT

     Ciao a tutti,

     I have tested the time required in analyzing the same 6 runs of
     NGC003 using the same CPU (axpgs0) with different configurations.
     I ran the full reprocessing chain (i.e. Robot_copy, copy_gc, drivegc,..)

     At the test time there were no other users using AXPGS0_FAST queues.
     These are the results.

     Runs all copied before launching the DRIVEGC:

     allowed runs for DRIVEGC total time for the processing

      1) 1 32'39"
      2) 3 30'20"
      3) 6 32'30"

    Runs copied and analyzed one per time. The copy of a new run doesn't
    start before the previous run deletion:

      4) 1 36'26"

    It seems that the best configuration is (2)

    A presto,


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