G-ZIP test

Subject: G-ZIP test
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 10:50:38 EDT

   Ciao a tutti,

   I tested the gzip utility for our GC DSTs runs.

   In a first moment I gziped a RAW GC file (run11111) and I tried to
   copy it on a 'scratch' tape without success. I received a QIO system
   error (see DISK$SCRAUSA9:[MACRODATA.RAW.TEST]test.log for detailes).
   I tried again changing the SET FILE/ATTRIB=(RFM:FIX,LRL:21600) for
   the GC file and gzipping it again w/o success (same error).
   This should be due to the Record format of a gziped file that is Stream_LF.
   Then I used the VMSTOTAR utility and I had no problems in copying the
   file so obtained (DISK$SCRAUSA9:[MACRODATA.RAW.TEST]GC011111_TAR.DST;1) on
   the tape and in recovering it (of course I had to mount the drive
   using /REC=512).
   The output file (from the tape) is
   identical to the source one.
   Then I tried to unzip the 2 *TAR* files w/o success ("unknown suffix").
   I think I should change again the Record format in Stream_LF....
   Could someone of you tell me how to do it?

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