About DDM production

Subject: About DDM production
From: ORSINI MASSIMO (Massimo.Orsini@lngs.infn.it)
Date: Thu Jun 22 2000 - 10:54:10 EDT

 Hi Erik,

 this is the DDM production situation:

  we have 167 pizze and in the past 63 of them were backupped in ZEBRA
  format on TA90 tapes.
  I have just restored on disk (DDM37) last ZEBRA file from the last
  available TA90 tape which is RUN001082.ZEB (17-JAN-1990).
  From this point we only have TA90 tapes that contain RAW files (I know
  it because I already tried to recover some run) of the other remaining
  104 pizze.
  Notice that RUN00005.DAT, which seems to be the first real MACRO run
  should be recoverable !!
  Anyways, DDM37 contains now 8 million blocks only and I'm going to
  launch last GS and BACKUP copies for this DDM.

A presto,


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