Report on the RAREMAKER of NRD013/14

Subject: Report on the RAREMAKER of NRD013/14
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 10:58:18 EDT

    Massimo Orsini, 3-JULY-2000

Report on the processing of NRD0013/NRD014

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 30-JUN-2000 10:07:28.37
Subj: Mounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label N13_14

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 30-JUN-2000 10:07:29.00
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD013
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 30-JUN-2000 10:07:33.71
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN012966 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD013
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 00:36:19.57
Subj: Processed last (#172) RUN013132 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD013

We received the following messages:

Subj: SIZE RUN13044 NRD013 RAW 324301 FZEX 324127-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13044 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13045 NRD013 RAW 325837 FZEX 325646-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13045 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13046 NRD013 RAW 321006 FZEX 320836-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13046 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13047 NRD013 RAW 300980 FZEX 300924-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13047 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13048 NRD013 RAW 187025 FZEX 186975-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13048 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13093 NRD013 RAW 66511 FZEX 66488-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13093 NRD013 SIZE= 0-OK

There are not errors on the corresponding logbooks.

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 00:36:20.41
Subj: Dismounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD013

The reprocessing of NRD013 lasted ~14.5 hrs

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 00:38:48.27
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD014
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 00:38:49.02
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN013133 of tape#2 in drive MKB200:/label NRD014
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 13:23:29.72
Subj: Processed last (#185) RUN013301 of tape#2 in drive MKB200:/label NRD014
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 13:23:30.66
Subj: Dismounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD014

The reprocessing of NRD014 lasted ~13 hrs

We received the following messages:

Subj: SIZE RUN13159 NRD014 RAW 5938 FZEX 5316-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13159 NRD014 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN13160 NRD014 RAW 4233 FZEX 3966-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN13160 NRD014 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN90404 NRD014 RAW 1140 FZEX 549-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN90404 NRD014 SIZE= 0-OK
Subj: SIZE RUN90405 NRD014 RAW 890 FZEX 549-NO RareMaker LOG ERRORS RUN90405 NRD014 SIZE= 0-OK

There are not errors on the corresponding logbooks.

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 1-JUL-2000 13:23:31.46
Subj: Dismounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label N13_14

The whole processing lasted 14.5 + 13 = ~27.5 hrs.

This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Mon Jul 03 2000 - 10:58:24 EDT