Subject: weekly shift report
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 12:51:18 EDT
Data shift report (17-Jul-2000 to 21-Jul-2000)
by Nicola Zaccheo
From run 19740 to 19757
This week MACRO ran quite regular. During run 19745 the uVax2 stalled.
Then I stopped the run and rebooted the uVax. Run 19746 started w/o
any problems.
Still problems with the Gas System that often went (and still goes)
We received 2 data rate warnings during this week, one during a Pisa
only run (on Wednesday), the other during a night with the gas system
'Usual' couple of no Q responses per run from M:2,B:2,C:5,N:21
No longer TOHM trigger rate variations for 1T13. On Wednesday I checked
the corresponding LeCroy HV channel that seems to work fine.
TOHM --> 4T13 ~9mHz, 5B13 ~4mHz.
ERP --> 3B07 ~5mHz
LIP --> 1B12 ~0.8mHz, 1B14 ~0.8mHz, 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1C08 ~1.3mHz,
1C15 ~1.2mHz, 2E10 ~13mHz, 3E04 ~6mHz, 5W13 ~0.5mHz,
5T02 ~0.7mHz, 6C09 ~1.8mHz, 6C10 ~1.9mHz, 6T12 ~9mHz
ERP-GC --> 6W12 ~90mHz, 6S04 ~100mHz, 6S07 ~100mHz.
PHRASE --> 5B04 ~28mHz.
No problems reported
There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for SM5 (LAM5-0) and,
sometimes, for SM6 (LAM6-1).
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 1T14 ( ~79%), 2B04 ( ~79%),
3B07 (~43%), 3B10 (~79%), 3B11(~70%), 3E07(~70%), 6T07 ( ~78%).
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16, 1C08, 1C13, 1C14, 1C15,
1T16, 5T02, 6C09 and 6C10.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
VETO bits too).
No problems reported.
I checked the PMTs signals on SM4. These are the differences that I found
respect last time:
4B13-0 gain @ -3.8mV/spe
4C01-0 slight dynode peak
4C10-1 gain is O.K. for me (last R.G. measurement -3.7 mV)
4W05-0 filled in spe
4T17-1 broad spe
4T01-0 broad spe
4T01-1 broad spe
4T02-0 broad spe
4T02-1 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
4T05-0 gain @ -3.8mV/spe
4T08-0 gain @ -4.3mV/spe
4T09-1 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
4T10-1 dynode peak and filled in spe
4T12-0 dynode peak, gain @ -3.8mV/spe
4T12-1 dynode peak, filled in spe, gain @ -3.4mV/spe
4T13-0 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
4T15-0 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
I'll update the web page ASAP
1 weeks analysed for ERP constants, ref. run 19731
It covers the period till Wednesday, 19-Jul-2000
LED/TDC and LASER calibration for all the detector. Laser lower
on uVax2 didn't fire at all. Remember that last time it didn't
work on SM3 only. I found that no signals were present from both
the ref. PMTs..I checked the PPG (that should give the start to the LASER)
and no TTL signals were generated by it..Checking the module I found
the 50Mhz clock unplugged and with one broken pin. I replaced it with
a 40Mhz spare one (we have not 50 Mhz spare), the module worked but the
Lasers still didn't fire. I decided to use the SM1 PPG in a different
slot (changing opportun. the CAM_34.LIS file) but the LASERs didn't
work. I have to check better the situation (I had no time last Wed.)
The RD_MON job (DDNOW) crashed for run 19736 due to a cluster boot.
I manually relaunched it.
There are some problems with the LGB area on VXMACB
Maybe for a high number of files there present, it's very hard to perform
a DIR/SIN in this area. For this reason the LGBWWW job lasted days and days
w/o completing. I stopped this job (and its restart) and I launch it
(on daily base) after the creation of the last not processed files list
(w/o using /sin).
This also causes some problems for the AXMAC1 COPYLGB job that needs a lot
of time for the LGB files copy (it uses a COPY/SIN command)..
Regarding AXMAC1, the run files copy stopped last thuesday because the
processing did not swap the disks.. I did it manually and restarded
everything. Furthermore, I launched the real time ZEB files copy/BCK
for DD345. Again problems for the BCK ('buffer overflow') that I relaunched
using the "%" character to have a shorter BCK list.
I checked the calibration parameters for the 5 worst boxes that we have,
starting from Jan 99 up to today. There are no timing problems for them,
except 3E06-0 that has a well-known high TDC-L/H sigma fit (~4.3 ticks).
This is the L/R gain ratio history for them:
3E07-0 we opened it the last January.
18-Jan-2000: L/R=0.9 --> MAR 2000: L/R=1
--> 17-May-2000: L/R=1.1 --> 24-May-2000: L/R=1.2
--> 07-Jun-2000: L/R=1.3 --> 15-Jun-2000: L/R=1.4
--> same value up today.
3C12-0 It has not any calibration problems (L/R ~0.78)
3C16-1 we repleced the PMT on the side-0 last February
It has not any calibration problems (L/R ~1.3)
3C05-1 L/R ~1 up to 23-FEB-2000 --> L/R=0.96 --> L/R=0.91
--> 31-May-2000: L/R=0.89 --> today: L/R=0.85
3E06-0 L/R ~1.58 up to May-2000 --> L/R=1.4 -->
--> 21-Jun-2000: L/R=1.58 --> today: L/R=1.63
I have checked the number of good spare PMTs.
There are 14 good EMI PMTs and 5 (not six!) good fact in one
of the 6 HAMA boxes there are two 9870B 5" EMI PMTs (labelled as
"from IMB")...
Furthermore we have ~30 bases for EMI PMTs and I asked to Roberto to check
the status of all them.
The inventory of the full MACRO US equipement (inside and outside the
acquisition) is now completed! A detailed web page will be put on MACRO
on-line as soon as possible.
Roberto made the oil leaks check on SM1,2,3 west side and North face.
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