Weekly shift report

Subject: Weekly shift report
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 10:50:12 EDT

Data shift report (24-Jul-2000 to 28-Jul-2000)

  by Nicola Zaccheo
  From run 19758 to 19774
 The acquisition was quite regular during this week.

 The gas system has not been debugged and it often is off.

 During this week we received 1 data rate warnings (run 19770). Checking
 the MACRO long timescale data rate, we are quite sure that there are no
 problems for the detector but we have only to change the expected range of
 typical MACRO run data rates (now that the WFDs are no longer in acq.) where
 the reference data rate (defined run per run by DEAMON) should fall (Erik
 was working on this).

 A couple of no Q responses per run from M:2,B:2,C:5,N:21. One no Q sometime
 from M:2,B:2,C:6,N:21, M:3,B:2,C:5,N:21, M:3,B:2,C:6,N:21 AND M:1,B:2,C:5,N:21
 During runs 19758 and 19769-19770 the CSPAM 4EL-1 channel gave no triggers
 (was dead). Checking the electronics, I found the corresponding RG58 cable
 connector (plugged in one of the PHILLIPS Disc./Lach. input) unscrewed.
 I fixed it and this channel is now working.

 We received the following PHRASE L/R warnings:

             5W11 L/R = 0.8 run 19759
                      = 0.76 run 19760
                      = 0.8 run 19761
                      = 0.67 run 19763
             6W06 L/R = 1.2 run 19764
                      = 1.26 run 19769


            TOHM --> 4T13 ~8mHz, 5B13 ~4.5mHz (1T13 @ 9mHz during run 19767
                                                usually @ 0.5mHz during)
           ERP --> 3B07 ~4.9mHz
           LIP --> 1B12 ~1mHz, 1B14 ~0.8mHz, 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1C08 ~1mHz,
                      1C15 ~1.1mHz, 2E10 ~9.5mHz, 3E04 ~6.5mHz, 3W13 ~0.6mHz,
                      4B01 ~1mHz, 4B02 ~1mHz, 5T02 ~0.7mHz, 6C09 ~1mHz,
                      6T12 ~11mHz
           ERP-GC --> 6W12 ~90mHz, 6S01 ~62mHz, 6S04 ~105mHz, 6S07 ~95mHz.
           PHRASE --> 5B04 ~27mHz, 5W11 ~35mHz (5W04 @ 55mHz during run 19767)


       No problems reported


      There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for LAM50. Sometimes
      also for LAM51, LAM60 and LAM61.

    CSPAM/ERP efficiency:

      The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 2B04 ( ~80%), 3B07 (~43%),
      3B10(~79%), 3B12(~80%), 3B14(~70%), 3E07(~70%), 6T07(~75%).

    ERP/LIP efficiency:

      Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16, 1C08, 1C15, 1T10, 1T12, 1T14
      1T16, 2B07, 5T02, 6B08, 6B09, 6B11, 6B12, 6C09, 6C10 and 6T09.

    SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
         VETO bits too).


      No problems reported.
      Checked the PMTs signals on SM5. These are the differences that I found
      respect last time:
           5B04-1 gain @ -4.2mV/spe
           5B05-0 gain @ -3.6mV/spe
           5B05-1 a bit filled in spe
           5B09-1 noisy fan-out
           5B11-1 broad spe
           5B12-1 gain is O.K. for me (last R.G. measurement -4.5 mV)
           5B14-1 a bit bright
           5C01-0 broad spe
           5C02-0 very bright, unstable, gain @ -3.4mV/spe
           5C05-0 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
           5C05-1 gain @ -3.6mV/spe
           5C06-1 broad spe
           5C08-1 still broad
           5C09-0 gain @ -3.7mV/spe
           5C09-1 noisy fan-out
           5C13-0 gain @ -3.2mV/spe
           5W04-0 a bit bright and broad spe
           5W07-0 filled is spe
           5T01-0 still a bit bright and filled in spe, gain @ -3.5mv/spe
           5T05-0 gain @ -3.6mV/spe
           5E05-1 gain @ -3.8mV/spe
      I'll update the web page ASAP


      1 weeks (LED/TDC and muon) analysed for ERP constants, ref. run 19753
      It covers the period till Wednesday, 26-Jul-2000
      Problems with AXCMAC1 runs and LGB-files copy.
      Manually launched the MAKEDST job for run 19692 (crashed because of
      no LGB file was copied).
      VAXGS shut-down last Monday. I re-launched all the MACROUSA jobs.

      Roberto swapped a fan out PHRASE channels (6T07-6T08) with a spare one.

      Piller maintenance on Wednesday..MACRO ran on the unprotected electrical
      power line for a couple of hours. One LeCroy HV alarm generated during
      the switching.

      Oil leak check performed by Roberto on the west side of SMs 4,5,6
      and South face.

      The reports of the realtime/reprocessing RARE/GC DSTs check and the
      already recovered files have been moved on

      Today I found the VXMACB disk_mon job still executing (since yesteday)
      I stopped and relaunched it.

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