Subject: Macro restarted
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 07:38:40 EDT
We have just started The first full macro RUN since the black-out.
Run 19803 was stopped immediatly because we hadn't PHRASE event from SM5,6
so actually the first good run is 19804.
I excluded 5B13 & 5B14 from PHRASE because this module fires, furthermore
there is a problem related to the stop master on SM2, we have a group of 9 no
Qs from uVax 1 branch 2 crate 4 station 22 (Stop master).
This evening is scheduled a short maintenance of the hydric system that will
start at 2:30 PM and will last less then two hours.
Ciao, Roberto.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Mon Aug 07 2000 - 07:40:45 EDT