Subject: processing of NGC tapes completed
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 08:27:10 EDT
I am submitting a series of e-mails that summarize the
processing of the "NGC" type of DLT tapes. This is only
for archiving purposes in case anyone will ever wonder
in the future about this class of tapes. A few remarks:
o Effective 1-JUL-2000 and NGC007 the processing of such
tapes went to fully automated ROBOT driven mode with
zero technician partecipation/supervision.
o NGC tapes up to NGC035 were produced from the DD tape
reprocessing effort. This was merged with the real time
production of GC tapes and thus NGC035 continues to GCD15.
GCD15 was also processed.
o The driver scripts are in AXPGS0::DISK$SCRAUSA2:[MACROUSA0.ROBOT.ZEBCOM]
There were five jobs launched per tape:
- L1_MONITOR_1RUN: creates a DST with ALL LIP events
- L2_MONITOR_1RUN: performs ERP-based LIP analysis and
candidate event selection
- L3_MONITOR_1RUN: creates a DST with ALL LIP candidate
events as selected from L2_MONITOR_1RUN
- MA_MONITOR_1RUN: creates the standard MUON DST
- TC_MONITOR_1RUN: creates the standard TRK/CAL files
o The e-mails that follow are the raw, unprocessed e-mails
that the jobs sent to me-- there are a total of 29 such
e-mails corresponding to NGC007-NGC035 and another one for
Gran Sasso, August 9, 2000
Erik Katsavounidis
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