RE: Run 19887 with a new CAMAC list for uVax2

Subject: RE: Run 19887 with a new CAMAC list for uVax2
Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 09:18:50 EDT

   Ciao Erik,

   yesterday I didn't remember how to pad camac zeros in the data stream..
   (I was looking for Sophia to ask it to her but she had some problems
   and she was at LNGS in the late afternoon).
   I was stressed by the italian shift-workers because they didn't want
   having uVax2 out of acquisition for too much time...So I removed the TOHM
   SM4 W/E attico module from the crate and I left the module readout
   uncommented in the camac list otherwise there was a swapping
   between W/E attico <-> TOP face (equip 27 read W/E attico before TOP) and
   I started a new run with uVax2 in (to be honest I think that this procedure
   worked fine too!!).
   Now I have tested the camac list with the "WRITEHEX $000000" at the place
   of the redaout of the module removed and everything went fine (the 21,22,
   23 and 24 words of the 28 uVax2 words were always zero).

   A presto,


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