MINI DSTs production

Subject: MINI DSTs production
Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 13:18:39 EDT

      Ciao a tutti,

     the MINI DST's production for runs from 10557 (DD001)
     up to run 13695 (DD094) is now completed.
     The MINI.FZEX files have been copied in two DLT's
     labelled MINI0. All the BETA.HBK and the SUM_RUN.HBK
     files have been backupped on one DLT tape.
     All the info regarding these last two operations are
     All the log files (CO_MON.... .LOG) will be moved on
     the DISK$SCRAUSA10 area's where all the LOG files
     of the DD's reprocessing have been stored.

      A presto,


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