Another "forced" MACRO shut-down

Subject: Another "forced" MACRO shut-down
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 08:28:39 EST

    Ciao a tutti,

    a black-out lasted ~ 35 min (at 9:20 AM) occurred today. Our
    batteries went completely down but, fortunately, we shut-down
    the detector before. Note that some electrical power interruption
    were scheduled (and occurred) for these days but with a max. duration
    of 60 sec. (!!!).

    After usual procedures and debugging, we restarted the full detector
    at 1:50 PM, starting from run 20127. Thanks to God, no corpses
    were produced today.
    In agreement with the italian shiftworkers and technicians (that need
    some additional works on the streamer electronics), we
    decided to postpone the maintenance/calibration day to the next
    Wednesday (22-Nov-2000).

    Let us know if you agree.

    A presto,


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