Subject: SM2 black-out
Date: Tue Nov 21 2000 - 11:57:49 EST
Hi all,
While I was working on a PHRASE power supply on the test crate, a glitch on the
privilegiata electric line occurred.
This caused a black-out of the entire supermodule 2 and of the PISA's uVAX for
First of all we killed the acquisition for run 20144
We switched off the electronic and started RUN 20145, with uVAX2,uVAX3 and
PHRASE on SM5,6 only.
The KINETIC 1502 Power supply on SM2 didn't work, so me and Nicola fixed it.
On this supply we had to replace a resistor of 4.7 OHM and two uFUSES of 0.5 A
on the boost circuit of the regulation card.
We made a miniacquisition and analized the data, since all was ok, we started
RUN 20146 with FULL MACRO config.
Ciao, Roberto.
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