Upward-going muon statistics

Nathaniel P. Longley (nlongle1@swarthmore.edu)
Fri, 31 May 1996 17:40:23 -0500

Colleagues -

I have spent the last few days looking over my code and the numbers
provided by Francesco and Doug. These allow me to make exact comparisons
between their calculations and mine. So far, I am still getting quite
different results. The reasons for this are becoming more clear, but I am
not done yet.

This note is just to let you know that I am still working on the
problem. I will write a Monte Carlo which selects events from the
distribution randomly, which will allow me to compute these numbers in an
independent way, which may help explain why my results are so different
from the rest.

I hope to get some more numbers out to you by Monday or Tuesday.

- Nat

Nat Longley
Swarthmore College, Physics and Astronomy
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
nlongle1@swarthmore.edu (610) 328-8249