Bob Nolty (
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 19:28:05 -0800 (PST)

Hi All --

We're trying to make the MUADST the basis of our analysis here at
Caltech. Thanks to help from Giovanni Mancarella, I was able to
develop software that reads the VAX-formatted files directly on Unix,
with no need to convert to Zebra before transporting the files.
Currently, the software works only with the NEW DST format.

When he was at Gran Sasso in October, Hwi Kim copied all the MUADSTs
from the attico era (run 6983 through the present) to a DLT which we
have here now. I have no problem analyzing the later runs, but the
early runs cause errors -- I suspect they are in the old format. Is
this true? Is there only one old format I need to consider, or are
there several?

I am also curious about the calibrations of this data. Were the TDST
files generated with the final official calibrations, or should I
rerun the reconstructions on all the data as I am using it?

Bob "Get up at 4:15 for a videoconference? No problem!" Nolty