neugen vs lipari

Maurizio Spurio (
Wed, 04 Nov 1998 17:40:38 +0100

 "Ciao" all

It is very interesting, in my opinion, to have some files DST-like
from the
NEUGEN generator, as proposed by Nolty. I can copy the FZEX files
and produce them, if necessary.
However, some preliminary checks can be performed.
First, it seems to me not true that in the Lipari code the NC are
identically zero. In fact, ~5% of my UGS+ID events, and almost the
fraction in the IU (Surdo) sample were produced by NC.
Second, ~1 year ago Antonio find some bugs in the Lipari generator,
we use now the corrected code. One copy of the corrected CAR file with
the Lipari code is in:
Third, all the data cards should be the same: this is the output for
our data card, assuming a neutrino threshold of 0.1 GeV.
In 79 year, we expect in MACRO:
79y * 5.31kton*(111.49+41.83) (kton year)**-1 = 64316 events

# Montecarlo for atmospheric neutrinos
# Generation of internal events. Version 2.10#
# Neutrino cross section
# p/n = 1.0000
# Parameters for Quasi-Elastic scattering :
# F_axial(Q^2=0) = -1.2546
# (M_axial)^2 = 1.000 GeV^2
# Parameters for Nuclear effects :
# P(Fermi) = 0.2200 GeV
# Binding energy = 0.025 0.000
# Deep-Inelastic-Scattering :
# W_min = 1.400 GeV
# Structure functions : 4 1 MT-S1DIS
# Neutrino flux
# Interaction rates
# Minimum neutrino energy = 0.10
# Rate of nu_e (kton year)**-1 57.87
# Rate of nubar_e (kton year)**-1 18.31
# Rate of nu_mu (kton year)**-1 111.49
# Rate of nubar_mu (kton year)**-1 41.83
# Neutrino fluxes from : Bartol "NEW" nu/nubar : Bartol
# Phase of solar cycle = 0.500