L over E, etc.

Bob Nolty (nolty@hep211.cithep.caltech.edu)
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 00:32:28 -0700

Hi all --

A few items:

First, I want to encourage people to use this mailing list
(macro-upmu@budoe.bu.edu) for "official" communications of the
neutrino working group, because it is automatically archived
(http://budoe.bu.edu/~macro/mailingLists/macro-upmu/date.html, account
macro, usual password). If there are any names that need to be added
or removed from this list you can contact the list administrator
(technically Doug Michael, though I think Chris Orth would have to
actually do the work).

Second, when I got Antonio's excellent note this morning I was about
2/3 of the way through the same analysis -- I have just posted my
results at


I have taken a slightly different path than Antonio but arrived at the
same destination. I think my L/Eapparent variable is a bit more
motivated physically than Antonio's cosTheta/pathLength variable, but
it is no more successful phenomenologically.

Third, Barry has asked me to serve on the editorial board for the two
low energy papers. I would be interested in seeing all the comments
and responses that have been submitted to the authors so far, so feel
free to send me anything appropriate.
