IUp paper
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:32:55 +0200
there is an updated version of the paper on Internal Upgoing events.
It includes some corrections suggested by GG, Bob Nolty and Maurizio,
in particular there are some estimates of single contributions to the
systematic error:
6% on angular acceptance is obtained by comparing the angular distribution
of down-going stopping muons from Monte Carlo normalized to that from
data. Bob suggested to use instead the ratio stopping/throughgoing for
this check. I did not understand very well his motivations (in particular
the numbers he has given), but I see a difficulty: in comparing that
absolute ratios (from data and MC) one has to strongly believe to the
muon spectrum used in GMACRO (in particular its shape at low energy).
I think it is a very delicate comparison.
3% on live-time estimation: it is the difference between two methods I used
to estimate live-time (taking into account efficiencies and different
configuration of running set-up)
4% on vertex containment and detector response simulation: from several
fiducial volume cuts on deepest hit position
4% on bkg subtractions: from 1/beta (gaussian + stright line) fits in
different ranges
Francesco Ronga had suggested to explain in more details the vertex
contaiment criteria (minimum number of missing hits, ...): let me know your
opinion. I think it could be an excessive detail...
About the L/E investigation I agree it should be done for a
successive global paper.
The same opinion essentially I have also for the Internal/throughgoing
ratio: it could be studied more deeply for the global paper, possibly
trying to select a subsample of throughgoing events in order to get a
greater separation between the no-oscillation and oscillation cases.
Anyway I am open to discussion.